Welcome! Before you get started, please read the information below that lays out the type of computer and software you'll need to have a good Project Viewing Portal experience, and some important information on participant privacy.
- Your Project Viewing Portal is THE #1 MOST LIKELY SOURCE OF A PRIVACY BREACH FOR YOUR PARTICIPANTS. You should never share your login credentials with anyone who is not directly working on your project. As a PVP user, your participants’ privacy is your responsibility. We strongly recommend you read and agree to the “Privacy Covenant & Privacy Policy” we've developed, and that OTS as a provider pledges to uphold. Feel free to share it, and have anyone who you give access to your Project Viewing Portal read and sign it too.
- The Project Viewing Portal is designed to work with the Google Chrome and Safari browsers. You’ll need one of these two browsers to have a good PVP experience. If you use your project viewing portal in Firefox or another browser that cannot run HTML video formats natively, some video and audio submissions may not play correctly inside your Project viewing Portal.
It's crucial that you are using the latest version of whichever web browser you use to access your PVP. Links to check that you are using the most up to date version of your browser are below:
Checking Safari Update
Checking Chrome Update - The PVP requires a modern computer, running Windows 7 or newer on PC, or OS9 or later on a Mac, and a broadband Internet connection to work properly.
- The “Tag,” “Comment” and “Transcription” features you’ll see in your PVP are primarily for the use of the moderator/analyst. Any changes/deletions you make will affect the entire system. Please do not use the “Tag” or “Comment” features unless you’re the moderator or you are doing so with the moderator’s knowledge/agreement.