You can select recipients for your email or push notification by clicking the "Select recipients" button in the "Send message" panel. Hitting "Select recipients" will bring up the option box shown below.
- First, "Select condition type," which is really just a way of saying "select a way to divide your participants into usable groups." Your choices include:
- Answered - Include or exclude them based on whether they've answered a particular question (e.g. include everyone who's already answered assignment/question #3 in this email/notification list).
- Did not answer - Include or exclude participants based on questions they have NOT yet answered (e.g. send this push notification to everyone who HASN'T answered assignment/question #10 yet.)
- First name - Useful for quickly finding and addressing a specific, single participant.
- Last name - Useful for quickly finding and addressing a specific, single participant.
- Email address - Useful for quickly finding and addressing a specific, single partiicpant.
- Custom field - If you've assigned custom field values to your participants (like gender, brand usage, age, geographic region etc.), you can use these custom field designations to determine whether to include people in your communication (e.g. address this email to everyone who has the value "female" at custom field 6.)
- Recieved and unanswered - Allows you to include or exclude participants who have a specific number of assignments on their smartphone that they have not yet submitted an answer to (e.g. send this push notification to everyone who has more than three unanswered assignments/questions on their device right now.)
- Most recent answer received - Allows you to pull out and address an email to people who have not submitted a response within a defined number of hours or days (e.g. send this email to everyone who hasn't submitted an answer to an assignment/question in the last 24 hours).
- Login status - Allows you to address an email to all participants who have or have not yet logged in to the Over the Shoulder app. Note - Participants who have not yet logged in to the app cannot recieve push notifiations, only emails.
- Hit "Reset" to clear this condition and start again.
- Click "Apply" to accept your selections and go back and complete the message sending process.
Once you've chosen a condition type, you'll be asked to further refine your selection. A few exmaples are given below.
The "condition type" chosen was "Custom field."
In this case, at the beginning of the project, participants were assigned a custom field value that denoted their generational cohort of "Generation."
For most condition types, you'll also be able to include or exclude participants who fit the parameters you're defining by choosing "Is" or "Is not."
In some cases (like in the case above, where a participant could be assigned to "Boomer," "GenX" or "Millennial" in the custom field "Generation") you'll also need to select which value to include or exclude.
NOTE: You can also add another filter condition by adding your first condition, then clicking on "+Add filter" and defining another. You can also add an "Or" condition to your recipient selection.