PVP Troubleshoot Checklist
Check your internet speed:
Your Project Viewing Portal transfers a lot of data, and thus needs a strong wireless signal.
Please head over to https://www.speedtest.net and check that you have sufficient bandwidth.
Take a screenshot of your test results in case we need them for further troubleshooting).
Ideally you want a minimum of 25-50mbps (baseline), 50-100mbps (recommended), 100mbps+ (Great) to have a good Project Viewing Portal experience
If you have unlimited cellular data, try connecting to the internet through your smartphone to get a better connection.
If you have the option to plug your computer directly into your network via an ethernet port, give it a try.
Determine your browsers are up to date:
The Project Viewing Portal is optimized to work with the Google Chrome and Safari browsers.
Make sure you are working with the most up-to-date browser:
Try clearing any cache that can be stored in your browser for faster performance (clearing browser history can also assist performance):
Safari Clearing Browser History
Chrome Clearing Browser History
Take a screenshot that shows what browser you are using and what version (instructions here) (for further troubleshooting).
Updating your computer software:
If you are running an outdated operating system, make sure you update to the most current version available.
Take a screenshot that shows what type of computer you are using and what version of the software you have installed (instructions here) (for further troubleshooting).
Updating to the most recent is recommended, however, being 1-2 versions behind should still be operable.
Restart your computer - Even if your computer’s software is up to date, restarting your computer may give you a faster Project Viewing Portal experience.
Look at the overall size of the project. If the project is rather large, you may encounter longer anticipated wait times for the data to be viewable.
Create a video screen grab of the PVP issue you are experiencing
If you can, create a video screen capture that shows the issue you are experiencing (instructions).
If possible, "narrate" the issue you are experiencing as you video capture your screen.