Interaction log

On the right side panel of the Dashboard, you'll find the Interaction log. The Interaction log provides information on whichever participant is highlighted in the "By participant" panel to its left.

When the "By participant" of "By activity" panels points you in the direction of a specific participant that you need to check into, the Interaction log is a good first place to go. The main components of the Interaction log are detailed below.

The Participant Information Panel

The first six items in this panel are information about the participant. The actual interaction log can be found just below.

  1. Participant name.
  2. The time and date that this participant was added into your project.
  3. The time and date when this participant originally logged into the Over the Shoulder app.
  4. The time and date of the most recent answer this participant has submitted. This is the last recorded activity the system has with this participant.
  5. This will tell you the number of unanswered Assignments or Activities this participant currently has on their phone. Obviously, a high number of unanswered assignments indicates a participant who's fallen behind in your project that may need a "nudge."
  6. The particpant's Username and Password to log in to the Over the Shoulder system.

The Interaction Log

The interaction log lets you follow every interaction this participant has with the project to date, presented in reverse chronological order.

Scroll to the bottom of the interaction log to see the first activity.

The activities you'll see in the interaction log include:

  • Assignments/activities sent to the participant.
  • Assignments/activities submitted/answered by the particpant.
  • Emails or Push Notifications that have been sent to the participant through the system.

Examples of all are shown in the screen-grab below and described in detail.

  1. This Interaction log is telling us that assignment/activity "Q1" was sent to this participant on April 8, 2015 at 12:35AM in the time zone this project is running in.
  2. This particpant answered Q1 at April 8th, 2015 at 12:48AM.
  3. This participant was sent a push notification through the system on April 9th at 5:33PM. The text of this push notification can be seen below the time.

Click here to move on to "Send message."