Workbench search
One of the Workbench's most powerful features is its ability to search for words that appear in the transcripts of your audio, video and text responses and comments, and to search for tags that you have assigned to specific media submissions and responses. Using "tag searches" and "transcript searches" in combination and applying BOOLEAN operators is a powerful way to sift through your data efficiently, and return the most relevant submissions instantly.
The Over the Shoulder system uses an advanced indexing system so that you can do complex searches within your project and get near-instant search returns.
You can search through the responses by entering a word in the search box.
You have 3 search areas to choose from:
- Everything
- Tags
- Transcripts+Comments
Searching by everything
This will be the default-selected criteria when entering a search word. Searching "Everything" will include tags, transcription and comments in your search. If you wish to specify your search only to tags, OR transcripts just change the criteria in the drop down menu.
Searching by tag
Select "tags", enter a search tag in the box.
The PVP will pre-populate the "Tags" field with any tags in your project's tag library that match the letters you are typing in, predicting the tag that you want to search for.
Searching for multiple tags
You could search your project for any response that has been tagged with "****", meaning that you've identified it as a really great submission, AND has been tagged with "shorts," for example.
Just enter the tags you want to search for (separated by spaces), then hit the "Search" button, and the Over the Shoulder system will use it's high-speed search capability to find every submission that has been tagged with ANY of tags you've specified and return it in the "return" panel.
Note that you must have added tags to your audio and video submissions for tag searching to work.
Searching by transcripts+comments
You can also search through the transcripts of all text, audio and video submissions for specific words ot combinations of words to find the most relevant materials.
Select "transcripts+comments" then enter a word that you want to search your transcripts for.
Hit the "Search" button, and the system will search the comments and transcripts of every submission and return submissions that have the word/s you are searching for anywhere in the transcript.
Note that you must have transcriptions of your audio and video submissions for transcript searching to work. Click here to review how to add tags to your media.
BOOLEAN search capability
The search function in the OTS Workbench will allow you to conduct powerful "BOOLEAN"-style searches. Do this by adding a search term, then adjusting the "Select rule" dropdown to create a boolean search within any search criteria.
Your search can include:
- ANY of the words you enter in the Search field (e.g. doing a "Transcript" search and adding the search term "cat" and selecting "Any of word(s)" will return any submission that includes the word "cat" in the transcript. You can add multiple search terms to the Search field, separated with spaces (not commas). (e.g. adding "cat dog" to the Search field and hitting "Search" would return all submissions that have the word "cat" OR "dog" in the transcript.)
- ALL of the words you enter in the search field (e.g. in this example, if you entered both words "cat dog", hitting search will only return submissions that have BOTH/ALL the words in the transcript.)
- NONE of the words you enter in the Search field (e.g. this search would return the submissions that do NOT include any of the words you entered in the search box.
Multiple search criteria
You can combine up to 7 different tag and transcript words within a search, using the + button.
So, you could create a search for every submission tagged with "****", that contains BOTH the words "cat" and "dog" in the transcript AND does not also contain the word "treat" by building the search below:
Log into PVP that you have created. Remember: You will need to have tagged submissions, add comments or translations for you to search within these criteria.
Click on "Workbench" and enter a search word in the search box. Try limiting your searches using different criteria or boolean searches.
Click here to learn about filtering your searches.