To get started, enter the URL link for your project's Project Viewing Portal into the navigation bar of your browser. Make sure that you're using an approved browser and that you have a strong internet connection. Your Project Viewing Portal uses SSL encryption, so remember to use "HTTPS://"
Once you've arrived at the PVP's homepage you enter your username and password and click "Sign in.
When you first log in to your Project Viewing Portal, you will see the privacy reminder below. Please read it carefully before proceeding. The Over the Shoulder platform was designed with strong Participant Privacy, Personally Identifiable Information controls and Corporate Data Security features. As someone who has been entrusted with access credentials to your project's data, it's crucial that you understand the restrictions on how you can use the data in your Project Viewing Portal.
Each time you log in to the portal, the system grabs all the questions and answers from your study and organizes them in a user-friendly way. This may take a few seconds (see reference image below).
If you would like to view new answers that have been submitted while you are logged in, just refresh your browser webpage to populate the new data.
Click here to move on to "Viewing participants."