Here are the basic steps of how we need to work together:
Recruiting screener:
We'll provide you with a screener, or in some cases just the screener questions that we need you to add to your screener to ensure that participants have the right smartphone, and are willing and able to participate fully.
Here are the specific things that we need to screen for that are different from typical recruits (they're all included in our Qualmobile template):
- All Qualmobile participants need to have an Android or iPhone smartphone in order to participate. Their smartphones also need to be new enough, and running a recent enough version of Android or iOS to work smoothly with the Qualmobile app. At this time, Android tablets are NOT compatible with the QM app. The standard smartphone screening questions can be found here.
- Smartphone research is a new concept to many participants, so we need to make sure that they know what they're getting into before projects launch, and that they're comfortable with what's required. Most projects ask participants to do things like take photos of objects in their homes, make audio recordings expressing their opinions, and record video answers (where they show themselves in a video) they capture within the app. We understand that not everyone is comfortable with this, so our screener includes questions to make sure people are comfortable with the types of media related activities we may require.
- Many Qualmobile projects take place over periods of days, weeks, or even months, so we need to be very clear that participants are available and interested in participating during the defined study period.
- The end of the screener will include information and instructions that you need to pass on to the people you recruit explaining what to expect, and what we need them to do to download, log in and participate via the Qualmobile app.
- If potential participants ask you for more information about what it's like to participate in an Qualmobile project, you can send them to the Qualmobile Participant website. For existing participants that may have questions, feel free to direct them to the Qualmobile Participant Support Center.
The "Bulk upload" sheet
Typically, we'll ask you to collect all of the participants you recruit, and send their information to us using a "Bulk upload" sheet. You can download a Bulk upload sheet that you can use here. A Bulk upload sheet is really just a specially formatted .xl spreadsheet that our system uses to upload the people you recruit into the Qualmobile system.
- We need the first name, last initial and email address for each participant you recruit.
- In many cases, we'll ask you to use the "Custom field" rows in the Bulk upload sheet to include other information you collect in the screening process, like gender, age or any additional information we want to upload with each participant record. If we need you to pass through screening information using Custom fields, we'll provide you the details.
- Please use the Bulk upload sheet that we give you, and please do not alter any of the formatting within the sheet. That includes adding or deleting columns or rows, adding new fields, or additional information.
- The participant names you send us pass directly through and are sometimes visible to participants, so please ensure that the casing and formatting of names are correct and consistent (Firstname, Lastname).
- You can add up to 30 custom fields.
Coordinating invitations - the "Warm hand off":
Qualmobile projects are a little unusual, because participants are recruited by one company (you), download an app and interact with a second company (us), and are asked questions by a third company (our client). This can get confusing for participants, so it's important to coordinate and make the process and communication really clear. Here's how we typically do that:
- Make sure that a reminder about the Qualmobile app is included in any confirmation correspondence you send to participants. Here's some boilerplate copy about Qualmobile that you're free to use in your confirmation correspondence if you'd like.
- When you've completed the recruit, we'll set up a specific time to enter the participants into the Qualmobile system and send them their email invitations from Qualmobile. We'll ask you to send a reminder email to the participants you've recruited immediately prior to when we send them their Qualmobile email invitations and login details. That way, they'll get an email from you (who they're familiar with) telling them to expect their email invitation from Qualmobile shortly. That's the warm hand off.
Into the capable hands of the Qualmobile help desk
At this point, participants are typically ready to download the app, log in, and dive into the project (which is designed to be pretty self-explanatory) but sometimes participants will experience issues or get confused about the process.
If this is the case, our system is set up to start directing questions and issues that participants encounter to the Qualmobile help desk. The invitation we send them, and the boilerplate (we recommend you to include in your reminders and confirmations) include information on how to contact our help desk with any technical issues or specific questions about the project.
The idea is to minimize the work that you need to do at this point, so please feel free to refer any tech or project related questions you receive from participants to us at Insert email
Qualmobile Participant Support Center
If you or a participant has a question, you can also find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Qualmobile Participant Support Center.
Click here to move on to "Qualmobile Recruiter Briefing - After launch"