Click on the profile picture of any person in the "People" section to see the responses submitted by that individual.
The tools and controls in the individual participant view section are noted below:
- Click "Previous" or "Next participant" to see the individual view page.
- "Q1" is the assignment packet number.
- The instructions or questions within an assignment packet are sequentially numbered underneath the text that introduced the assignment packet.
- You can click through to the next question that was asked of this participant by hitting "Next question" or back to the previous by hitting "Previous question." Please note that if a participant has not yet been sent an assignment, there will be no submission available to review.
- The text of the question that was asked.
- The timestamp and geographic location where this participant was when they answered this question.
- Click "Next packet question" to see the next question in this question packet.
- You can elect to have up to four custom field values for each participant show beside each participant's profile picture.
- Click on "Show notes" to reveal any details that we're put into a participants profile by other team member or analysts.
- A notepad for recording observations about each individual participant. You can download the comments later, and you can highlight key thoughts within your participant notes.
- Be sure to hit "Save" to save your comments.
Click here to move on to "Viewing Questions."