Last Updated: 01/30/2023
in Recruiting Partner Briefing
Here are the basic steps of how we need to work together: Recruiting screener: We'll provide you with a screener, or in some cases just the screener questions that we need you to add to your screener to ensure that participants have the right ...
Last Updated: 04/18/2023
in Recruiting Partner Briefing
Over the Shoulder is a smartphone-based consumer and social research platform that's used by Schlesinger Group. The Over the Shoulder company partners with research practitioners to provide a technology platform, project design consultation ...
Last Updated: 08/25/2015
in Recruiting Partner Briefing
Participants may ask you questions during the recruiting or project process. Here are a few common ones, and the answers you can give them:
Q: Does the Over the Shoulder app "run in the background" or "spy" on me by collect...
Last Updated: 01/30/2023
in Recruiting Partner Briefing
With the project launched, most participant inquiries will now be received by Over the Shoulder's help desk, if this is not the case, f eel free to direct any inquiries to admin@overtheshoulder.com. Here's a helpful list of Frequently Asked Que...
Last Updated: 01/30/2023
in Recruiting Partner Briefing
If you're handling incentive distribution for the project, here's a breakdown of how our process works: End of project incentive procedure: Once the fieldwork period for a project is completed: We will put together and send you a spreads...
Welcome! Before you get started, please read the information below that lays out the type of computer and software you'll need to have a good Project Viewing Portal experience, and some important information on participant privacy. PLEASE READ AL...
To get started, enter the URL link for your project's Project Viewing Portal into the navigation bar of your browser. Make sure that you're using an approved browser and that you have a strong internet connection. Your Project Viewing Portal...
Clicking on the "Assignments" section of the portal displays all the assignments/questions that have been sent to participants. Assignments/questions that are scheduled, but not yet sent, will not be visible in the PVP. Assignments have a drop...
When your Project Viewing Portal has loaded, you'll automatically start off in the "People" section, where you can see a profile picture, name and basic information for each person in your project. The first 25 people in your project will ...
When you are in the PVP you can deep dive into the submissions for all participants and assignments. Click on the "Assignments" tab to see all the questions that were sent in the project. On this page you will be able to navigate through the quest...